Spotlight on Business – Michelle M. Young

SpotlightMichelleYoung300x300The Levittown Chamber would like to introduce Michelle M. Young who has been the Library Director for 5 ½ years at the Island Trees Public Library located at 38 Farmedge Rd in Levittown. She received a Bachelor’s Degree (BA) from Hofstra University in English and Marketing, followed by a Masters in Library Science (MLS) from Queens College, and a Post-Graduate Certificate of Advanced Studies in Public Library Administration from L.I.U. Post/Palmer School, The College of Education, Information and Technology.

Young went into her field because of her love of books, knowledge, and writing. In her words, “Knowledge, especially self-knowledge, leads to understanding, connection, and wisdom and in turn, to compassion for others. There is always something new to learn at the library, and I want to be there to learn it, experience it, and share it! Libraries are the power houses of knowledge, ideas, history and thoughts. Who would not want to spend their life around that? “

In speaking with Young, you can feel her enthusiasm. She said “Someone told me once-..”Do what you love and you’ll never be disappointed. It’s true! “

Young lives in Rockville Centre, NY with husband Clive and has a 17-year-old now college-bound daughter.

Young says The Library has two slogans, “The Island Trees Library: Where Knowledge Blossoms” and, the one she created after working as a director of the ITPL, “A little library with a lot going on.” The library’s mission statement: “It is the mission of the Island Trees Public Library to be an integral part of the community, meeting the educational, informational, cultural and recreational needs of the community that we serve.”

The Library seeks to engage and connect with their community on all levels. Young wants to make everyone that walks into the library to walk out feeling even better than when they came in. And to have lots of repeat customers!

Young says the Library is in the process of formulating a three-year strategic plan to pinpoint what the community needs from them so they can deliver it.

Everything, except some exercise classes for adults, is free. It doesn’t get better than that.

Young enjoy reading as well as spending time with family and friends. The pandemic emphasized in her life what is most important, and those are the people, not the things.

Young can be reached at the library at 516-731-2211 or e-mail, [email protected]. She would love to hear from you.