February 2015 General Meeting

The Levittown Chamber of Commerce held its general meeting on February 18 at Domenico’s Restaurant. The guest speaker was Debi Pisano from Workforce Benefits Consultants. Debi is a chamber member who is a licensed health/life broker and personal lines broker for more than 20 years. Debi discussed the chamber’s dental plan with added benefits, which is available to Levittown chamber members.

The chamber meets every third Wednesday of the month and meetings are open to the public. Meetings rotate month to month from a lunch to a dinner and then back to a lunch. For more information on the meeting schedule please call 516-520-8000 or visit www.levittownchamber.com


People in Photo:(left to right)
Beth Dalton-Costello from Dalton Funeral Home, Melissa Kaiser from Astoria Bank, Don Patane of Main Street Financial Group & President of the Levittown Chamber, Debi Pisano from Workforce Benefits Consultants, Tom DiIorio from Island Smart Home Inspection and Louise Cassano of LuCas Communications